Catalyst (For the rest of us…)

Catalyst is one of those conferences you can always count on to push the envelope and bring you some of the freshest insights on the modern church.  And their next step will be even bigger.

Anne Jackson posts here about the next feature offered – Catalyst Backstage.  Here’s how she describes it…

CATALYST BACKSTAGE will feature off-the-cuff, LIVE, exclusive backstage videos with catalyst speakers (and surprise special guests), a completely live, interactive chat open 24/7 so you can chat with other catalyst attendees and discuss what you’re learning during the sessions as they are happening — all in ONE PAGE! we’ll also be pulling in catalyst twitters (#catalyst08 is the hash tag), and other catalyst webby goodness we find throughout the event.

For those of us who love the Catalyst podcasts and would love to be there but somehow can’t, this will be a tremendous way to take part in a small way.

BTW, if anyone would like to “help a brother out” and help me get to Catalyst, please contact me. I once heard somewhere that you have not because you ask not.  Thanks in advance!